Sunday, May 30, 2010

Georgia Griffin

Georgia Griffin is a multimedia artist and writer.

See Georgia Griffin's


"miniskirting around"

miniskirting around like some dime store ice pop
any color you like, no flavor but sweet
the cool dripping off your wrist before it hits your lips

who are you with when you lay in my arms
do i register in your mind as you caress my flesh
what do you hear when you render me senseless
is there anyone with me in the heat of the night

silent as death and twice as lonely
sex alone with the one you love
where are you going with me in your pocket
am i with you or just stuck in the seams

miniskirting around like some cheap ass whore
any type that you like, no scent but sweat
the sap dripping off your groin before it hits my lips

slime encrusted mattress memorial to the night
broken clock, broken table, dead bulb, dead bug
there's an ache but i can guess where it came from
can guess it was you, who ever you were at the time

pain, stone, fire, rage, ice, ice pop, ice queen
ice cream in your hair from lapping the cone of some
some dime store ice pop with his hair down to there
his pants full of melt in your mouth, not in your hands promise

miniskirting around like a sad tired breeze fighting
working its way from the shore to the boulevard with
the mist dripping off the air before you hit my lip

© 2004 georgia k griffin


"buying Jesus"

i was at the grocery store buying Jesus
i was standing in line at the store
buying Jesus
absolution was the blue light special
but the price was still too high
the price was still too high
the price was remembering
a yellow nightie with a smiling
red apple
i was five years too hold for it
but it had happy memories
it used to have happy memories
he was a man of God
a friend of Dad's and a
Man of god
and it was ok because
i was nearly a woman
i was 14 and i knew it all
i knew it all because
well, i was 14
and he was a man
of god
women and priests
the keepers of men's secrets
so it was ok
i was standing at the grocery store buying Jesus
standing in line at the store
buying Jesus
absolution was the blue light special
but the price was still too high
the price was still too high
the price was remembering
a darkened theatre and i
making my way to the popcorn
winding out the the seats to go pee
and get popcorn
his hand was fat and warm
his cock was flaccid and hot
it was ok he said
he was a man of god
and i was an innocent
children and priests
the keepers of men's secrets
so it was ok
i was at the grocery store buying Jesus
standing in line at the store
buying Jesus
absolution was the blue light special
but the price was still too high
the price was still too high
the price was remembering
telling the truth and being told
it wasn't enough
it wasn't enough because the truth
does not set you free
no, it does not set you free
for once you have told the truth
you have to prove it
it being truth is not enough
now you have to relive it
you have to face it down
face the lying man of god
as he says you've got it wrong
as he says you're just trying it on
how can you ruin his life's work?
his reputation
for your small truth that
meant nothing
was nothing compared to the work
of god
was simply a secret
between you and a man of god
victims and priests
keepers of god's secrets
so it was ok
to be standing on the corner
buying Jesus
because absolution it is still too high

© 2005 georgia k griffin


  1. These are both spot on. Gets a "fuck I wish I could write like that" from the English judge.
